Habit Formation for A Healthier Holiday Season

It’s easy to get swept up with a million things to do during this time of the year. The tendency is to put yourself and your health on the backburner, which could be part of why New Year’s fitness resolutions are such a “thing.”

I propose that this year, we try to do things

A Little different.

Put in some effort for self care now, and then when deals roll around in January, you hit the ground running because you already created habits that will last longer than a month!

Step 1: Ask yourself “Why” you want to be healthier 3x to reach your CORE REASON.

  • Example: Reason 1- I want my close to fit better. Reason 2- I want to feel more comfortable in my body. Reason 3- When I go on my next vacation, I don’t want to worry about keeping up with my friends/family while we climb the mountain.

If your reason isn’t strong to begin with, it’ll be too easy to give up when things “come up.”

Step 2: Make your plan concrete.

  • Write it down somewhere you’ll see it daily.

  • Tell someone about it.

  • Take action ASAP.

    • If we don’t take action sooner-rather-than-later, our brains will file your new goal into the “not so important category,” making it more difficult for you to start.

Step 3: Don’t give up!

Patterns that are repeated frequently have deeper grooves in our brains. There is literally, physiological truth to being “stuck in a rut.” Our daily repeated activities are ingrained in our brains, and for efficiency’s sake, our brains want us to follow those patterns. That’s why it’s so difficult to start a new exercise routine, develop better eating habits, etc. We have to create a new pathway and follow it long enough for our brains to change. In the meantime, our inner voice tells us things like, “you should stay in bed,” “sit on the couch,” “ it’s not that big of a deal,” “it can be done later,” and “this is too hard.” After 66 days, the new pattern will be ingrained in your brain and it will be just as easy as sitting on the couch, but you have to make it there. Don’t give up!


If you need an accountability buddy for improved physical health, sleep habits, nutritional choices, stress management or all-of-the-above, at Thrive with Dr. C Integrative Physical Therapy, we’re ready to fill that gap for you.


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